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About Growth Track



Experience God

Learn the Vision and Values of Northport Church of God.  This first track will put you in position to becoming a church member.



Connect to People

Examine how to grow and develop relationships within the church through our Life Groups.



Discover Purpose

Discover how your God-given gifts and abilities can lead you to the purpose he has for your life.



Influence Others

This track will help you to develop your leadership skills by finding a team to serve on.

If you have any questions regarding our Growth Track program please send an email to

Growth Track Schedule

Growth Track, was created to assist all of our new church members to learn more about Northport Church of God and to develop their God given gifts and utalize them for the kingdom.  There are four steps in our growth track program and these steps have a purpose:

1- To aquaint you with the the church and our vision

2- Provide you a way to connect with church members

3- To Discover and Develop your spiritual skills and abilities

4- Use your gifts to help others 

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